10 cities where renting a car may not be a good idea

Renting a car while traveling always has many advantages. Freedom to move around, ease of visiting the places you want, avoiding public transport that is not always efficient… Not to mention safety in case of emergencies. But there are destinations where a rental car may not be as advantageous. This is the case in big cities with terrible traffic, where it is often quicker to take a subway or more comfortable to hire a transport app that knows the local traffic well, avoiding wasting hours in traffic jams!

The GPS company TomTom (remember it?) released a survey of cities with the worst traffic in the world. The list includes destinations in Asia, Europe and South America.

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According to the study, the city with the worst traffic in the world is Londonwhere drivers lost an average of 148 hours waiting in traffic jams throughout 2023. Dublin (Ireland), Toronto (Canada), Milan (Italy) and lime (Peru) complete the top 5. The Peruvian capital has the worst traffic in the Americas. Believe me, I'm from São Paulo (a city with the worst traffic in Brazil), I've been there and I was impressed by the confusion and the gigantic traffic jams in Lima.

See below the Top 10 of the worst traffic in the world according to TomTom Traffic Index 2023:

City Time per 10km walked in 2023 (average) Difference for 2022 Time spent in traffic in 2023
1. London 37m20s + 1 min 148 hours
two. Dublin 29m30s + 1 min 158 hours
3. Toronto 29 min + 50s 98 hours
4. Milan 28m50s + 20s 137 hours
5. lime 28m30s + 1m20s 157 hours
6. bangalore 28m10s – 1 min 132 hours
7. Pune 27m50s + 30s 128 hours
8. Bucharest 27m40s + 20s 150 hours
9. Manila 27m20s + 20s 105 hours
10. Brussels 27 min + 20s 104 hours

Car rental in the city with the worst traffic in the world!

The British capital is one of the most visited cities in the world. Last year around 19 million tourists arrived in London. This number represents more than double the local population. With so many people the result could not be different. London has the worst traffic in the world, according to TomTom.

There, believe me, drivers lost more than 6 full days stuck behind the wheel per year. 148 hours were wasted, time that drivers could have been using in another way. In 2023, Londoners spent an average of 37m20s to travel 10 kilometers. This means that people there take around 4 minutes to complete 1,000 meters. And remember, this number is just an average, on March 17, 2023, the worst congestion was recorded in the English capital, when it took 51 minutes to travel the 10km.

London has the worst congestion in the world

If you are looking for air tickets to London and intend to rent a car there, it is worth paying attention! There are some issues you should take into account. It's good to know that in the English capital, cars have the steering wheel on the right side, there are several restrictions for driving in the city center and the busiest time of day is between 5pm and 6pm. Furthermore, if you intend to travel around England or another country with a rented car, see below some tips that you should always take into account:

– Rental car insurance

This issue is extremely important. I say this because I have had problems and been in an accident with a rental car. Pay attention and always take out insurance for the rented vehicle to avoid having to pay high repair costs. Imagine in London, where one pound sterling is worth more than six reais! But before taking out insurance, check if your credit card offers this service, it can make your life easier and is cheaper. Also don't forget to take out travel insurance for you and your family.

– Age of the driver when renting a car

Younger drivers pay more for car rentals. In most countries the extra cost is charged for those under 26 years of age.

– Local rules

Something very important that you should be aware of are the traffic rules and laws of the country in which you are renting the vehicle. Find out what the maximum speed is, where you can park your vehicle, etc. If you are going to London, it is good to know that the car steering wheel is on the right side and that there are several restrictions for driving in the city center. In England the maximum speed is 60 mph (96 km/h) on single lane roads and 70 mph (112 km/h) on dual carriageways and motorways.

– Extra drivers

If you need to add more people as drivers of the rented vehicle, be aware that there will be an extra cost.

– Free mileage and full tank

Pay attention to whether the vehicle rental has free mileage so there are no surprises when returning it. To give you an idea, the distance between Heathrow airport, the country's main airport, and central London is 26km. Another issue is that if the car was removed with a full tank, the return must be the same. If you don't do this, the rental company will charge you dearly for the missing liter of fuel. It is worth noting that in London the driver pays an average of £1.44 (R$9.10) per liter of gasoline at a gas station.

– Online car rental

A good way to get the lowest price on car rental is to use large consolidators such as: Rentcars, Carrentals, Priceline, etc. For example, the Rentcars compares rates and promotions at more than 200 rental companies in Brazil, England, the United States, Argentina, Portugal and other destinations. In addition, it offers support in Portuguese if you have any problems, covers offers and divides the rent up to 12 times.

Want to save on car rental? Use the exclusive coupon BESTDESTINATIONS5 and get a 5% discount when renting your reservation through Rentcars!

Returning to the English capital, it is worth highlighting that you can also explore the city using the excellent London Underground. If you go there, check out our special list of hotels in London.

Is it worth renting a car in cities with the worst traffic?

To answer this question, we must analyze several factors that can influence the decision to rent a car or not. But before we start detailing each point, it's good to keep in mind that congestion is part of large and medium-sized cities regardless of whether or not they are in the Top 10 of the worst traffic in the world. The large number of cars, low investment in mass transport and road works contribute to further aggravating this problem. But let's get to the point: is it worth renting a car in cities with the worst traffic, yes or no?

  • What is your trip itinerary?

Firstly, what is your travel itinerary? If you only think about exploring that destination and not traveling around to explore more of the country, I believe that renting a car is not for you. This is what I did when I visited Lima, Bucharest, Brussels and London, I preferred public transport. Don't forget that renting comes with several costs that must be taken into account, such as: gasoline, insurance, parking, etc.

However, if your vacation itinerary includes trips to other locations, a rental car is essential to give you greater freedom. I've already been to Milan and Toronto with a rental vehicle, as I was touring other Italian and Canadian cities. Everything was very peaceful and comfortable!

  • How do you feel driving in a destination you don't know?

Renting a car is not a task for everyone, even the most experienced drivers. Driving abroad is not easy. There is the issue of language, rules, different metrics and signs, driving style and even the steering wheel on the other side, which is the case in England and other countries. There are people who love driving in another country, there are people who hate it. I've rented a car in several countries, but I emphasize that driving in big cities is very complicated, just as driving with the steering wheel on the right is terrible, I had a hard time in Cyprus.

  • Are you traveling with children or elderly people?

Here comes a practical question when deciding whether or not to rent a car. If you are traveling with children or elderly people Having a vehicle at your disposal makes it much easier getting around in a big city. This issue is important to always take into account, as having a car available makes it easier to park close to an important attraction, avoiding long journeys on foot and the peace of mind of having the vehicle in case of emergencies. But it is also a good idea to budget for the mandatory use of car seats for minors, which can generate extra costs.

  • What is the public transport network like?

In addition to the previous points, to guide your decision it is important to evaluate the public transport in the cities to be visited. Of the destinations in the Top 10 with the worst traffic in the world, some of them have excellent public transport. It is very easy to get around London, Toronto, Bucharest, Milan, etc., using the subway, bus and tram. In Lima, the best thing to do is take a taxi or app transportation.

The quality of public transport is a very important point to evaluate when planning your trip. In many destinations, unfortunately, transport is scarce or sometimes dangerous and relying on apps can be more expensive than renting your own car.

  • What is the cost relationship between car rental and public transport in this city?

Now that you've analyzed your travel itinerary and the public transport network, it's time to compare the costs. Let's focus on London, the city with the worst traffic in the world. I did a quick search on the website Rentcars, where I was able to find a car with pick-up from Heathrow airport for £39.99 (R$251) per day. In addition, we have to take into account the cost of gasoline, which averages £1.44 (R$9.10) per liter and also parking, which varies from £4.90 to £7.20 (R$45.20) per hour.

These are some costs that the driver must take into account. If tourists prefer public transport, they should know that to leave the airport they will have to pay £5.50 (R$ 34.50) to go by metro to the center or £25 (R$ 157) for the express train (see how to get to London). The daily metro pass to travel through zones 1 to 6 of the London capital costs £10 (R$62.70).

  • What's your budget like on this trip?

With all the data on the table, it's time to analyze your budget and find out how much you can spend. This is for me one of the most important points on any trip! With the math done, you will come to the conclusion whether or not it is worth renting a vehicle. But never forget to take into account your itinerary, comfort, convenience, safety, practicality and time lost commuting.

Really see whether or not the car will be missed on your vacation. Enjoy and have a good trip!

how to rent a car

Have you been to any of these cities? Did you use a rental car or public transport? Does this TomTom list really make sense? Leave your opinion in the comments!