complete calendar with long holidays

The calendar helps with organization and planning. So, download the 2024 holiday calendar. This way, you can consult it whenever you feel necessary and prepare in advance.

With the calendar, difficulties disappear when deciding travel dates. This way, it’s easier to fit in a day trip to enjoy rest days. Before deciding when to travel, also look at the seasons of 2024.

There are some dates that, although they are normally treated as public holidays, are not listed as national holidays in the official calendar. Because of this, companies may or may not lay off employees. See below what the optional points will be in 2024:

February 2024:

  • 12/02: Carnival (Monday)
  • 02/13: Carnival (Tuesday)
  • 02/14: Ash Wednesday (Wednesday) – Optional point until 2pm
  • May 2024:

  • 05/30: Corpus Christi (Thursday)
  • October 2024:

  • 10/28: Public Servants Day (Monday)
  • December 2024:

  • 12/24: Christmas Eve (Tuesday) – Optional point after 2pm
  • 12/31: New Year’s Eve (Tuesday) – Optional point after 2pm
  • With this information, it becomes much easier to prepare for traveling. Next, check which days off will be amended to make your organization even easier. Extra rest is always welcome!

    2024 long holidays

    The amended holidays will provide some days of rest. You don’t have to wait until vacation to travel and adventure! There are many incredible places to visit throughout the year. Check out all the long holidays for 2024.


    Normally, holidays that fall on Thursday are extended to Friday, allowing 4 days off. The ideal opportunity to escape the routine.

    Mobile holidays until 2030

    Movable holidays are those that change dates every year. The calculation to determine the dates is made from Easter, which follows the Jewish calendar. This calendar takes into account the changes of the moon, so as the moon cycle is irregular, Easter is also irregular. Check the dates of all mobile holidays until 2030.

    Mobile Holidays 2025:

    • Carnival Tuesday: 04/03
    • Good friday: 04/18
    • Easter: 04/20
    • Corpus Christi: 06/19

    Mobile Holidays 2026:

    • Carnival Tuesday: 02/17
    • Good friday: 03/04
    • Easter: 05/04
    • Corpus Christi: 04/06

    Mobile Holidays 2027:

    • Carnival Tuesday: 09/02
    • Good friday: 03/26
    • Easter: 03/28
    • Corpus Christi: 05/27

    Mobile Holidays 2028:

    • Carnival Tuesday: 02/29
    • Good friday: 04/14
    • Easter: 04/16
    • Corpus Christi: 06/15

    Mobile Holidays 2029:

    • Carnival Tuesday: 02/13
    • Good friday: 03/30
    • Easter: 01/04
    • Corpus Christi: 05/31

    Mobile Holidays 2030:

    • Carnival Tuesday: 05/03
    • Good friday: 04/19
    • Easter: 04/21
    • Corpus Christi: 06/20

    To understand the calculation of mobile holidays, it is necessary to learn the logic used: Carnival is celebrated 47 days before Easter. Good Friday, the last Friday before Easter. Corpus Christi is the Thursday after Holy Trinity Sunday, which occurs 8 weeks after Easter.

    Celebrations of religious dates

    Brazil has a large number of religious people, so celebrations, based on belief, are common. One of the best known is Easter, which commemorates the resurrection of Christ. During Holy Week, Palm Sunday also occurs.

    On Good Friday, the faithful have a tradition of not eating meat and opting for fish. At this time, plays called “Passion of the Christ” take place, which reenact the crucifixion of Jesus. In Corpus Christi, the streets are decorated with carpets bearing Christian symbols. The images are made with different materials, such as rust, sand, colored salt and eggshells.

    Best destinations to enjoy the holidays in 2024

    Are you looking for destinations for your next trip? Below, discover perfect places to visit during national holidays. Enjoy the year 2024!

    Carnival and Ash Wednesday – 12/02 to 14/02

    The 2024 Carnival will be on the 12th and 13th of February (Monday and Tuesday), many will start celebrating on Friday. On the 14th, there is Ash Wednesday, an optional event until 2pm. It is important to remember that Carnival is not a national holiday, but an optional one.

    For those who like crowds, in Brazil, there are many cities that organize large parties and parades. Enjoy the Salvador and Recife Carnival. Other places to join in the festivities are: Olinda, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Porto Seguro.

    If you prefer to stay away from the parties, a good option is to enjoy a few days at Beach Park or go to the coast. The beaches of Santa Catarina, Ubatuba or the beaches of Ceará,
    for example, they are great for this and have a good infrastructure.

    Good Friday and Easter – 03/29 to 03/31

    Good Friday has some traditions, the faithful avoid meat, drinks and physical activities. Both Good Friday and Easter are movable dates, so check the holidays every year to avoid getting confused.

    A good option to enjoy the holiday is to visit Aparecida do Norte. There is also the option of doing the Caminho da Fé, covering municipalities in São Paulo and Minas Gerais. Although the entire route takes more than 10 days to cover on foot, it is possible to choose a few cities and plan a shorter route. If you can, take the opportunity and travel to visit Pelourinho, there are charming churches there.

    Tiradentes – 04/21

    Tiradentes is a holiday in honor of Joaquim José da Silva Xavier. He was killed after participating in the Inconfidência Mineira. The holiday got its name because José da Silva, considered an important Brazilian revolutionary, was a dentist.

    In Minas Gerais, there is a city called Tiradentes, it was named in honor of the inconfidente from Minas Gerais. The best date to visit the place is the April 21st holiday. It’s a true trip to Brazil’s past. There are other historic cities to visit in the state, such as Ouro Preto, São João del-Rei and Diamantina.

    Labor Day – 05/01

    Labor Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. The date refers to the demonstrations by factory workers who fought for labor rights. The movement, which began on May 1, 1886, in Chicago, became known worldwide.

    Taking advantage of an ecotourism destination is great! It helps you relax and take your mind off your worries. In Brazil, there are many places that allow intense contact with nature, such as Jericoacoara (Ceará), Bonito (Mato Grosso do Sul), Jalapão (Tocantins), Chapada dos Guimarães (Mato Grosso) and Chapada Diamantina (Bahia).

    Corpus Christi – 05/30

    In 2024, Corpus will be on May 30th, on a Thursday. The holiday is optional. But typically, most people get the day off. The religious date always occurs 60 days after Easter Sunday. The faithful celebrate the institution of the Eucharist, considered a sacrament of religion.

    On the holiday date, winter will be just a few days away. The perfect cities for those who like the cold are Serra da Mantiqueira, Monte Verde, Penedo (Rio de Janeiro) and Campos do Jordão. In the South, Blumenau, Gramado, Urubici and Urupema are also unmissable options.

    Independence of Brazil – 07/09

    The independence of Brazil was proclaimed in 1822, by D. Pedro I, on the banks of the Ipiranga River. Military parades are a tradition in Brazil and serve to celebrate the day. In Brasília, all Armed Forces – Navy, Army and Air Force – hold a large parade in honor of the country.

    In September, the weather will be mild, so how about taking the opportunity to visit tourist cities in São Paulo? You can visit Holambra – the city of flowers – and Embu das Artes, as well as other cheap destinations in São Paulo. If you prefer to stay a few days away from everything and everyone, opt for a farm hotel in the interior of SP or guesthouses in Jericoacoara.

    Our Lady of Aparecida – 10/12

    The date is in honor of Our Lady of Conceição Aparecida, patron saint of Brazil. According to religious figures, in 1717, after long failed attempts to catch fish, fishermen found the image of Our Lady in the river. Soon after the incident, they no longer had any difficulties fishing.

    In October, discover destinations on the coast. There are many beautiful places in the Northeast, such as Maragogi and the beaches of Recife. In the south of Brazil, enjoy one of Paraná’s beaches, such as the charming Ilha do Mel. The coastlines in the Southeast are also charming, if you want to explore beaches between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

    All Souls’ Day – 02/11

    All Souls’ Day is a very important date for religious people – a day to honor the dead and pray for their souls. The celebration is an ancient and universal celebration, which began in France in 1030.

    For a mystical trip, the best destinations are São Thomé das Letras, in Minas Gerais, and Nova Trento, in Santa Catarina. If you are far from these places, there are many churches throughout Brazil that are great attractions for those who like religious tourism.

    Christmas – 12/25

    The date is one of the most loved and awaited holidays by people. For Christians, the day is very important, as it represents the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is also represented by Santa Claus, who brings joy to children with his gifts.

    Everyone wants to travel as the end of the year approaches. It’s the perfect time to meet new people. There are cities that are famous for their Christmas decorations, for example, Natal Luz in Gramado and Natal in Campos do Jordão. These destinations offer unique experiences for those who love the decoration and magical atmosphere of the time.

    The 2024 holidays will allow for many trips, even if short. If you want more suggestions for destinations to live unforgettable days and fall in love, check out this list of cool places to visit in Santa Catarina!