Disney Paris or Parque Warner Madrid, which is better?  Check out!

Disney Paris or Parque Warner Madrid? The two theme parks in Europe carry the weight of iconic brands when it comes to design and cinema. Its attractions delight and entertain, but is there a favorite?

Disney Paris x Parque Warner Madrid


It is difficult to define whether Parque Warner Madrid is better than Disney Paris, as they offer different attractions with different characters, so their relationship with a certain cartoon or film can make the experience in each of the parks more relevant.

For example, which are your favorites: Mickey or Bugs Bunny? Donald Duck or Daffy Duck? Spider-Man or Batman? Think about it!

Which is more beautiful?

What I can say is that the Disney park values ​​details much more than the Warner park, taking greater care in painting and maintaining the entire space. Therefore, if you are looking for an impeccable environment, Disney Paris will best meet your expectations – and yes, it is impossible not to compare as soon as you enter the park, after all, Disney's quality standards are impressive.

Moving around the park

As I visited the two parks on consecutive weekends, the movement was similar (December 2023, low season). However, at Warner there were fewer visitors and it was possible to enjoy the rides without queues or with a very short wait.

At Disney Paris there were queues at all the rides, but the wait was usually not long, 20 to 40 minutes. At the end of the day, the drop in temperatures and visitors' search for a good place to watch the night show caused the rides to empty. Therefore, from the end of the afternoon it was possible to enjoy the attractions in just a few minutes of waiting.

Presentation at the end of the day

Despite the beautiful final presentation of Parque Warner, it does not have an emblematic place like the Disney castle. In fact, it is a parade with the characters through some streets of the park – something different from the magical closing of the Disney park.

However, due to the fame of Disney's nighttime show, you must end your ride at least two hours before heading to Main Street, if you want to guarantee a good view of the show.

Attractions and toys

As for attractions, it will depend on what you prefer. I'm 29 years old, I didn't take children with me and I had fun both times! I liked Warner's intense and moderate options much more and the fact that the park had several performances with actors throughout the day. Meanwhile, Disney Paris has a show and two stops throughout the day at Disneyland Park.

Parque Warner Madrid

In relation to the complete Disney Paris, I believe that Disneyland Paris is more aimed at children. And Walt Disney Studios for teenagers and adults. Therefore, the attractions complement each other and offer options for the whole family.

In this regard, depending on your point of view, the Warner complex could lose or win. I explain. Warner also offers two parks, one next to the other, like Disney Paris. However, one of them is aquatic and, consequently, only works in summer. Looking at it this way, this could be a negative point for Warner, which is left without “half” of its attractions at one time of the year.

Parque Warner Madrid

But if we evaluate, on the other hand, Parque Warner Disney Madrid is very complete, with attractions for all audiences. Unlike Disney Paris, Warner does not separate the universe of superheroes and other films from the world of cartoons. This means that the visitor does not need to pay two tickets to see the best of Warner, as it is all together.

Furthermore, if you only consider the European heat period, Warner comes out ahead, as in addition to Parque Warner Beach, there are refreshing attractions at Parque Warner.

So, do you think these separations of the parks result in a positive or negative point for Warner?

Characters and accessibility

Parque Warner Madrid

You can't go wrong finding your favorite character! In both parks you will have this opportunity at different times of the day.

Another characteristic that the two combine well is accessibility, as both offer accessible attractions and have benefits for people with disabilities.

Food in the parks

Disney and Warner offer many restaurant and kiosk options for meals. However, unlike Disney Paris, Parque Warner Madrid does not allow entry with food. This ends up being a disadvantage for the latter, as it can make the trip more expensive and even unfeasible for some families who would save money if they brought their own lunch.

Parque Warner Madrid

Combo for 12.95 euros at Parque Warner

Perhaps to try to compensate for the food ban, Warner has machines with snacks and chocolates for up to 2.50 euros, and slightly cheaper meals. A combo of pizza, fries and soft drink cost 12.95 at the Madrid park. While Disney charged 17 euros for a pizza, a salad and a soft drink.


The two theme complexes are easy to access by car or public transport. While the train ride between central Paris and Disney costs 5 euros, the bus to Parque Warner costs 3.60 euros.

For more convenience, it is also possible to purchase tickets along with round-trip transfer to Disney Paris (paying in installments in reais and without IOF).


Park ticket prices vary greatly depending on the date and season. In both cases, the best option is to buy in advance and on a scheduled date to pay cheaper.

In general, considering the prices of hotels, meals and tickets, going to Parque Warner Madrid tends to be cheaper. But, of course, this will depend on each traveler.


There will always be something more interesting in one and less interesting in the other. Therefore, I recommend visiting both to get everything right, haha. But, in short, Disney Paris is a park that impresses right down to the details, a characteristic of the brand. Parque Warner is a little simpler, but I promise that fun is guaranteed in both and, therefore, they are totally worth it!

So, which one do you think leads this dispute? Or are you also in favor of visiting and enjoying both? Participate in the comments! If you have visited the parks, share with other readers what you thought of each one!