How to get cheap air tickets in 2024?  See our tips to save and travel more

Are you wanting to travel and are scared by the price of flights? Unfortunately, fares have risen in recent months, but don't be discouraged because it is possible to find cheap air tickets this year. Big promotions are rarer, but specific offers, especially on domestic flights, have appeared with some frequency.

To take advantage of them, you must pay attention and follow some points that we here at Melhores Destinos, specialized in looking for opportunities for you to save on your holidays, detail below with a single objective: how to take advantage and get cheap air tickets in 2024.

As promotions editor here at MD, my job is to monitor airline ticket prices every day and post to you what we find the cheapest. In this post I will share some tips and observations about this topic that we experience in our daily lives!

How to pay cheaper for airline tickets?

In our experience, weekends are the best days to find cheap air tickets to fly around Brazil. Normally during Saturday and Sunday airlines run promotions and reduce prices on domestic flights. We recently announced round-trip tickets for less than R$200. As for international flights, I don't see any specific date to find greater discounts. It's a good idea to download the Melhores Destinos APP, as we monitor and search for the best offers daily.

When are there more airline ticket promotions in 2024?

Since the beginning of the year we have registered several promotions on national air tickets. Airlines have invested in specific discounts on some routes and carried out several campaigns, such as Latam's Happy Hour, which of course we followed and reported on first hand. On weekends we have also recorded a drop in fares, as already reported above.

However, promotions have appeared more frequently only on flights through Brazil. Internationally, discounts are much rarer due to the value of the dollar, high demand and crowded planes. But it's good to be aware of some important dates when there are usually promotions in 2024, such as birthday campaigns, Black Friday and Consumer Week. See the calendar below:

January – Goal

January – All blue

March – Consumer week

March – TAP

June – Livelo

July – Best Destinations Birthday

September – Latam Pass

October – Smiles

October – Latam

November – Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday

December – Blue

What is the cheapest day to travel in 2024?

If you want to travel for little money, it's a good idea to take the boarding day into account. According to our experience, The days of the week with the lowest rates are Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. Friday and Sunday go in the opposite direction and normally have the highest prices mainly due to the high demand on weekends. Monday mornings are in the same vein, when many people travel for work. So if you want to pay less, keep an eye on trips on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. And, of course, avoid long holidays and vacations.

How far in advance should I buy a ticket?

Here we face a dilemma! How far in advance should I buy my plane ticket? For this answer we can use a saying: Not so much to the sky, not so much to the sea. We must act with moderation to avoid paying more. Never buy flights at the last minute, the prices are stratospheric. But also never buy too far in advance.

A few years ago, based on his experience, Leonardo Marques, founder of Melhores Destinos, established a rule that remains valid to this day:

Leo's Rule
For international trips, the best thing to do is buy with approximately 3 to 6 months in advance. Now for national flights between 30 and 60 days.

The exception, of course, is the traditional periods of school holidays and long holidays, where it is best to look for tickets around 6 to 9 months before the intended date of travel.

What is the best website to buy airline tickets?

Today we see on social media a multiplication of pseudo experts in issuing cheap airline tickets and buying miles. Some even sell courses. It's always good to be smart! There is no magic, but efficiency in this market.

Here at Melhores Destinos we monitor prices 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and inform you whenever we find a cheap air ticket. We have a system that tracks millions of fares every day and experienced, well-travelled editors who alert you whenever a good offer appears.

To have everything first hand, be sure to download the Melhores Destinos app. It's free! You can also receive our content through our Newsletter, Instagram, Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok It is Youtube! But keep in mind: the APP is the most efficient way to receive our alerts!

It is worth highlighting that Melhores Destinos is a journalistic website and that we do not directly sell the flight. We put links to the websites of airlines or reliable travel agencies on the market so you can safely purchase your cheap air ticket. And of course: you can also simply see the dates we publish here and buy wherever you think is best!

When is the best time to buy cheap airline tickets in 2024?

Since we're talking about pseudo experts, let's now put an end to a myth that exists in the market. There is no specific time to find cheap air tickets. We have been following flight promotions for over 15 years and we can guarantee: they appear at any time. It can be early in the morning, in the afternoon, in the morning or at night.

To ensure we don't miss any promotions, we have an efficient alert system and editors in different cities and countries, who live in different time zones – I myself live in Switzerland! There is always someone awake ready to share a great opportunity for cheap air tickets. So, be sure to download our APP now to be alerted!

How to find airline tickets on flash promotions?

As we have already detailed, airline ticket prices have risen in the last year, but promotions, especially national ones, are happening frequently this year. I emphasize again, if you seek to find flash promotion cheap air tickets the best thing to do is download our APP, because we have a specialized team constantly searching for the best offers. Furthermore, it is good to keep two rules in mind:

1 – Be flexible! When most people book a trip, they define the destination and date before researching airline ticket prices. That's a big mistake! Of course, we know that many factors such as school and professional holidays are linked to the decision, but if you have flexibility in your schedule you will certainly find more opportunities to fly for less.

two – Airfares are dynamic and change all the time. So, if you find a cheap plane ticket, don't blink too much, buy it soon and take advantage of the good price. Here's a tip from those who work with this and who have already made a mistake by not taking advantage of the low price. Unfortunately, I had to pay more for the ticket and regret not having taken advantage of a super fare. The rule is clear: if you want to save, buy soon and take advantage of the low price!

See other infallible tips for getting cheap air tickets.

When will the price of airline tickets drop?

If you are waiting for a miracle, unfortunately we don't have good news for you. There is currently no prospect of a drop in the price of airline tickets. Demand for flights remains high, planes are leaving full and fuel is expensive. Furthermore, there is no prospect of new airlines entering the market and current companies are suffering from a lack of personnel and new planes.

To make matters worse, Gol's financial instability is worrying and could harm the market even further. So, if you find a low or reasonable price for your trip, don't think twice and issue your ticket to enjoy your dream vacation. And don't forget: download our app and don't miss any of our tips!