how to have internet on your cell phone abroad for little money!

Using an international chip to access the internet on your cell phone can save you on a trip abroad! In this post we will show you the following options for being able to use the internet on your smartphone when traveling outside Brazil, such as in Europe and the United States:

  • Virtual chip: ready to use on your cell phone as soon as you arrive in the country, called eSIM.
  • International roaming: offered by the Brazilian operator (in plans that include data use in other countries);
  • Prepaid SIM: purchased at the travel destination;
  • International chip: purchased in Brazil.

If you've thought about Wi-Fi, be aware that depending on this type of access can be risky, either due to the possibility of not finding a network when you need it or exposing your data.

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International chip

What is an international chip?

The international chip is a service that offers internet, via the mobile data network, to use on your cell phone while traveling outside Brazil. This means that even abroad, you can post your photos and videos on social media at any time of the day, without depending on the hotel's Wi-Fi network.

Even more important, with an international SIM card, you can keep in touch with your family and friends through messaging apps or use Google Maps online whenever you need.

international chip

Internet access, such as the 5G network, occurs in several ways, depending on the contracted operator or international company. Depending on the service contracted, you can have access to the internet, make calls, send SMS messages (if anyone still uses it, haha) and even video calls (I already used the eSIM to make a video on a volcano in Iceland, to show the place to my father!)

international chip

Where to buy an international chip in Brazil

You can buy an international chip in Brazil at airports or online. If you choose to buy online, it is a good idea to buy before your trip, to arrive at your destination connected and not need to enter your card details while purchasing the international chip with the airport's Wi-Fi.

Additionally, check whether the company providing the service is recommendable. One option is to check the Reclame Aqui website. After all, if there is a problem with your internet, you will know that you will have the minimum support necessary to resolve it.

You can buy an international chip in Brazil from one of these companies:

  • Airalo (eSim);
  • Trip Chip;
  • EasySIM4u;
  • America Chip.
  • Best Buy Yes;
  • My Chip.

If you do not buy a physical international chip at an airport, consider the time for the chip to arrive at your home before your trip.

Which do we use? The Melhores Destinios team has been using Airalo eSim for some time and we have never had any problems. Knowing this, the company released a code with a 15% discount on eSim for readers! Click here to learn more

International chip prices

The price of a chip (physical or virtual) to use the internet when traveling outside Brazil depends a lot. The price is defined according to the cell phone plan, internet speed, the amount of data, the region in which the chip will be used or the validity period of the eSIM. Therefore, services start at R$9.99 and can go up to R$380.

There are several options for you to access the internet abroad, all with positive and negative points.

To make your choice easier, we have detailed the characteristics of some of them for you to take into consideration before purchasing, be it the plan, the eSIM or the chip.

Virtual International SIM (eSIM)

The virtual chip, called eSIM, works like any cell phone chip. It contains your phone number and data plan, allowing your smartphone to connect to a cellular network for data, calls, and texts.

You can use it as international chip in Europe or other continents.

The difference is that unlike the standard chip (SIM), the eSIM is incorporated into your phone or tablet virtually, without the need for a physical chip. Remember what cell phones were like before chips? It's right there.

You generally add virtual chips to your device by reading a QR code, typing a code or installing the eSIM through an application, everything is done over the internet.

Want to save? Buy your Airalo virtual data chip with a 15% discount with the coupon for Melhores Destinos readers!

international chip

It is believed that in a few years the cell phone chip as we know it will be completely replaced by the eSIM. So it's good to get used to this type of service to be prepared for your next trip.

eSIM Airalo

eSIMs are very practical when traveling. This is because you can buy a virtual chip remotely, even in Brazil or in your country of origin.

One of the companies that offers this service is Airalo, with global package options starting at 9 dollars (for that price, it's worth buying the cheapest one, testing it and, if you like it, buying more data).

Want to save? Buy your Airalo virtual data chip with a 15% discount with the coupon for Melhores Destinos readers!

Basically, these services sell temporary phone plans that you can use when traveling abroad.

The advantage of this is that you can contract mobile data plans at lower prices and without having to physically buy a SIM card in a cell phone store, nor worry about activations and registrations generally required in many countries.

This saves a lot of time, especially if you are traveling to countries like France or Spain where your passport is scanned and registered when you buy a SIM card.

In other destinations, such as Argentina, you need to go in person to one of the chosen operator's stores just to release your chip – if it's in Buenos Aires, be prepared for queues!

international chip

You can also buy these eSIM cards at will, and they usually work for a certain period of time.

When this period ends (or you run out of data), just recharge the eSIM or buy a new one from another operator. I used Airalo and it worked perfectly in Rome and cities in Israel.

international chip

The bad part about eSIM is that not all cell phones are enabled to use the virtual chip. In another post of ours you can see which models are suitable for using eSIM and other details about using a virtual chip abroad.

Other eSIM options:

In addition to Airalo, the best known are Truphone, Ubigi, GigSky and KnowRoaming.

Prepaid international chip sold at the travel destination

An international prepaid chip is like the chips we buy here in Brazil to activate a telephone line. Therefore, it is easier to understand how it works in practice and this can make you more comfortable. Typically, this option is even cheaper than the other three.

The downside is that you don't arrive with internet at your travel destination and then you will have to go to a store in a foreign country to buy your international chip. If you don't speak the country's language, this may hinder you a little.

international chip

Furthermore, if your cell phone does not support two SIM cards, as is the case with the iPhone, you will need to exchange one SIM card for the other and be careful not to lose the SIM card with your national number.

And, as we already mentioned, each country has its rule for activating chips, and in some places the process needs to be done in person.

When traveling across several countries, such as a tour of Europe or Latin America, it may be necessary to buy different chips when crossing each border.

The good thing about traditional SIMs is that they can be used on any cell phone and are generally easy to find and buy. Additionally, in many places there are cheap plans that you can use while traveling.

Extra tip:

Before subscribing to the service, do some prior research into the best operator and plan for your destination country – operators may change depending on your location.

Brazilian chip with international roaming

Even without purchasing any other chip, you can also have internet access abroad, depending on your cell phone plan.

Called international roaming, this service can allow you to use your cell phone in other countries without paying absurd fees!

If it is included in your plan, you can send messages, make calls and access the internet normally, as if you were in Brazil, through international roaming.

If you travel a lot to different countries and need this type of service frequently, search for a good plan and, depending on the price, try to negotiate with your telephone operator.


Claro international roaming has the Claro Passport, which allows connection in more than 80 countries, with the customer's internet franchise, plan and unlimited calls to the country visited and to Brazil.

Prices vary between R$9.99 and R$29.99 per month, for the annual plan.

clear international chip passport


In the case of Vivo international roaming, the service for postpaid customers is Vivo Travel.

There are monthly packages, including internet, at the same price as Claro. In addition, they offer single nights starting at R$39.99 per day.

vivo travel international chip


At Tim, customers with the Tim Black plan can enjoy unlimited WhatsApp and Instagram abroad.

For other customers, it is possible to contract TIM Viagem, an international roaming package service.

tim voyage international chip

If you find it interesting to use international roaming, be sure to check the amount of internet offered in your package, as it may not be enough for your needs and could leave you hanging on your trip.

Furthermore, before purchasing a specific package to have internet, check with your operator whether your plan already has the benefit.

International chip purchased in Brazil

In some Brazilian airports it is possible to find small international chip stores for you to use when leaving Brazil. Other companies also sell international chips online and you receive them at home.

The advantage of a physical SIM is that you can reach your destination with the chip installed and using your internet. However, this option tends to be the most expensive (from 31 dollars + shipping) and you need to consider the delivery time to receive your chip in time for your trip if you buy it online.

international chip

Furthermore, my friend Paulo faced a huge headache when buying a physical chip when we traveled to Israel (in 2022).

When he arrived at his destination, his international chip didn't work and the service with the company was super difficult.

In the end, he was left without internet during the trip because he was unable to resolve the problem remotely.

Therefore, before buying one, ask a traveler to recommend an international chip that they have used at that destination and had no problems with.

International chip options:

EasySIM4u, Best Buy Sim, My Chip and American Chip.

international chip

The Melhores Destinos team adopted eSIM some time ago to use the internet abroad.

We have never had any problems with Airalo, so we recommend the international chip company.

However, before deciding, evaluate the advantages of each one. Choose the option or plan that is best for your reality and needs – and that guarantees internet access on your trip!

Now is the time to listen to you! Which of these options have you used and recommend? Do you disagree or have anything else to say about the services presented? Write in the comments and help other readers not to be without internet while traveling abroad!