May holidays (2024): commemorative dates and destinations

Have you started organizing your 2024 calendar to travel a lot? The May holidays offer great opportunities. This is because it is low season, prices drop and the weather is perfect, not too hot and not too cold. Discover the best dates and destinations to enjoy your days off.

Commemorative dates and holidays in May 2024

The month that begins with a holiday has everything going for it! Labor Day, which is not about working, but about resting, opens May with a flourish. On the second Sunday of the month, Mother’s Day calls for a celebration full of love. The festival of Corpus Christi, an optional event, closes the month. Check the dates below:

  • 01/05: Labor Day (Wednesday) – national holiday
  • 12/05: Mother’s Day (Sunday) – commemorative date
  • 30/5: Corpus Christi (Thursday) – optional point

Just organize your time bank correctly to get an extended rest in May! If you can’t make it, that’s okay, there are several holidays in 2024. With or without extension, take the opportunity to go for a walk.

May 2024 Calendar with Holidays

With the calendar below, it will be easier to create a travel itinerary. On Mother’s Day, for example, you can treat your queen to a special outing. The days off depend a lot on the company you work for, as some combine holidays with the weekend and others do not. Save the calendar:


Everything is a reason to hit the road and discover new destinations! Whether with family, friends or alone, a walk is invigorating. Take advantage of every possible opportunity.

Places to travel for the May holidays 2024

Where to travel in May? Below, you will find great destination tips, which fit perfectly with the holidays of the month. Follow along and choose the one that best suits your traveler profile.

Destinations to enjoy on Mother’s Day weekend

How about treating your mother to a beautiful trip? Mother’s Day is on Sunday, but, if possible, set aside the entire weekend to celebrate. If you live in the south of Brazil, enjoy the mountain climate in Gramado or Canela. In Santa Catarina, Urubici and Rancho Queimado are great destinations to spend time with the family. The Morretes train ride is a beautiful gift.

In the southeast, Monte Verde, in Minas Gerais, and Campos do Jordão, in São Paulo, escape the rush of the big cities. If you live in Rio de Janeiro, Angra dos Reis, home to the famous Ilha Grande, tends to receive a lot of tourists. A guesthouse in Búzios also fits well into the itinerary. If your mother likes the beach, surprise her with a trip to Arraial do Cabo. If she is the type of person who appreciates history and culture, Ouro Preto promises an unforgettable experience. For those who are short on time, an all-inclusive resort in São Paulo will renew your energy.

In the north and northeast, natural attractions stand out. Jalapão, in Tocantins, Maragogi, in Alagoas, Natal, in Rio Grande do Norte, and Lençóis Maranhenses, in Maranhão, please a mother’s heart. One thing is certain, no matter the destination, Mother’s Day deserves to be celebrated with great care, presence and affection.

Places to travel in May

The May holidays fall on a Wednesday and Thursday. Therefore, not everyone can plan long trips. You can enjoy the tourist attractions in your city or take a day trip. There are several free attractions in São Paulo. If you don’t know it yet, visit Masp and stroll through the center of the capital.

In Rio de Janeiro, lots of samba, joy and warmth await you! Have lunch at a restaurant in Barra da Tijuca and enjoy a day at the beach. For those in the capital of Minas Gerais, no cooking on holidays, as the local gastronomy is a spectacle! So, choose a restaurant in Belo Horizonte and live this experience. The tourist attractions in Salvador tell many stories, in addition to offering moments of rest amid nature. And you can end the night in a bar in Salvador.

Corpus Christi falls on Thursday. Many companies usually combine the optional period with the weekend, especially in the public service. If this is your case, you will have 4 days to enjoy Brazil. The weather in May is perfect for visiting the following destinations: Pirenópolis, Bonito, Cavaleiro, Chapada da Diamantina, Porto Seguro, Florianópolis, among others.

With extended time off, it is even possible to visit destinations in Latin America, such as Punta del Este and Montevideo, in Uruguay, Buenos Aires and Mendoza, in Argentina, and Cartagena, in Colombia. These destinations have direct flights leaving from some cities in Brazil.

May May be a month of many trips for you! Take the opportunity to check out the 2024 holidays in São Paulo. There are several fun, relaxing and cultural programs.