religious dates and beginning of autumn

March, by far, is one of the best months for tourism. This is because the weather is still warm and the beginning of the year movement is no longer as intense. A holiday in March is great for planning a few days off. A spoiler, there is only one this month in 2024, but it is still possible to escape the routine and discover the best destinations in Brazil.

Commemorative dates and holidays in March 2024

Holidays in 2024 will be a little scarce, as many fall on the weekend or in the middle of the week, meaning they won’t be fixed. However, a holiday in March will be extended into 2024. This is Easter, which will be combined with Good Friday – this date commemorates the trial, passion, crucifixion, death and burial of Jesus Christ. Check it out below:

  • 03/20: early autumn (Wednesday)
  • 03/29: Good Friday – Passion of Christ (Friday) – National holiday
  • 03/31: Easter (Sunday) – Commemorative date

You may have noticed that one of the dates above marks the beginning of a season, autumn. This season is usually ideal for traveling. In fact, in the next topic, you will check out a list of places to visit in the Brazilian autumn.

March 2024 Calendar with Holidays

To plan in advance and ensure a peaceful time off, see the calendar below, with a holiday in March. So, take a print or download it and use it to create your script. Remember that, in 2024, Easter will not fall in April, as it happens in some years.


Also check out the 2024 calendar, with all the holidays of the year, so you can have a complete overview of your days off and plan trips on other dates as well.

Places to travel for the March holidays 2024

The destinations to visit in March are listed below. They include religious places to enjoy Easter, as well as tourist cities to visit at the weekend. Write down your favorite places and create your itinerary:

Religious destinations to visit in March

March is ideal for visiting places that have a strong religious culture. A destination to start the tour is Aparecida do Norte, in São Paulo. In fact, it is in this region that the Caminho da Fé is located, a 2000 km route that connects the cities of Águas de Prata and Aparecida do Norte. In Rio de Janeiro, your tour may include religious attractions such as the São Bento Monastery. In Minas Gerais, Ouro Preto should appear on your schedule. In Goiás, Trindade cannot be left out.

In the North and Northeast of Brazil, include Juazeiro do Norte, known as the Capital of Faith, as well as Salvador, Belém and Recife, capitals with a strong religious culture. It is in New Jerusalem, in the city of Brejo da Madre de Deus, that there is the largest open-air theater in the world and the place where the Passion of the Christ is staged.

In the south of Brazil, Nova Trento, in Santa Catarina, is the location of the Sanctuary of Santa Paulina and the Igreja Matriz São Virgílio. In the same state, it is still possible to visit Ituporanga, more precisely the Nossa Senhora de Lourdes e do Louvor Complex. In Rio Grande do Sul, Farroupilha and Encantado are options. In Paraná, the Rota do Rosário is famous and covers cities such as Siqueira Campos, Jacarezinho, Ibaiti and Tomazina.

Places to travel at Easter

Easter is a religious holiday, but the tradition of the Easter Bunny and eating chocolate is already strong. The consolidated destinations with an Easter program are Gramado and Canela, in Rio Grande do Sul. In Santa Catarina, Pomerode is where the largest Easter egg in the world is located. Carambeí, in Paraná, has a charming Dutch park.

In the Southeast, Campos do Jordão, in São Paulo, and Penedo, in Rio de Janeiro, are cozy little towns to enjoy this time of year and take the children. The beaches of Rio de Janeiro and SP are also a great option, such as Ubatuba, Ilhabela and Búzios. In the Northeast, how about visiting Fortaleza, close to the famous Beach Park? Ilhéus, in Bahia, is considered the Land of Cocoa – there, in some rustic factories, you can try chocolate!

Traveling abroad can be complicated, as there are only 3 days to enjoy. However, if you have the possibility to take more days off from work, you could think about going to the Vatican or Zurich.

One thing is certain, there are many incredible places to visit during the March holidays or on weekend trips. After all, with summer leaving and autumn arriving, the weather is ideal for tourism. Speaking of which, check out the dinosaur parks in Brazil, which are great family activities.