Southeastern states remain alert for storms and intense winds;  check forecast - News

The Southeast states remain alert for intense rain this Sunday (24). Inmet (National Institute of Meteorology) issued a red alert (of great danger) with storms between 30 and 100 mm/day and intense winds of 60 to 100 km/h during the weekend in the Southeast.

Other regions of the country may also record rain, but at milder levels.

The week between the 18th and 25th of March, according to the agency, may present large amounts of rain, which could exceed 100 millimeters, due to the combination of heat and high humidity, in addition to the action of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ZCIT), which continues to influence instability in the extreme north of Brazil.

At least 12 people died due to heavy rains that hit the Southeast region of the country this Saturday (23). Four deaths were recorded in Mimoso do Sul, in Espírito Santo, four deaths in Petrópolis, two in Teresópolis, one in Duque de Caxias and one in Arraial do Cabo, in Rio de Janeiro.

According to Inmet, the rains should mainly hit the Southeast region, in the northern and southern coastal areas of São Paulo, Vale do Paraíba, Zona Mata in Minas Gerais, southern Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro. The rain is a consequence of the approach of a cold front that advanced through the southern region of the country last Thursday (21).

The Ministry of Integration and Regional Development made the National Civil Defense available to help the population of southeastern Brazil due to the heavy rains in the region. The agency recommends that the population register their cell phones, sending text messages to the number 40199 with the zip code of the region where they live, to start receiving SMS alerts.

In risky areas, such as slopes, for example, you need to pay close attention to any signs of ground movement, such as cracks and cracks in posts and walls. If you notice any of these signs in areas at risk of landslides or flooding, it is important to contact Civil Defense on 199 or the Fire Department on 193.

Safety tips include: turning off electrical appliances and the general energy supply; in case of floods or similar, place documents and valuables in plastic bags; and in case of a confirmed situation of great danger: seek shelter, avoid staying outdoors.

Forecast from March 18th to 25th

North region: Rain showers are expected to exceed 100 millimeters (mm), mainly in areas of Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia and Tocantins. The occurrence of more intense storms, accompanied by gusts of wind and thunderstorms, cannot be ruled out.

Northeast Region: rain is expected to continue, especially in the north of the region, where totals could be around 100 mm. Areas in the states of Maranhão, Piauí and Ceará are expected to record the highest rainfall. In the east of the region, rainfall is expected to be less intense compared to the previous week, with amounts around 40 mm.

Midwest region: Rains are expected to be a little more regular in part of the region during the week. In the states of Mato Grosso and Goiás, rainfall totals could be around 70 mm. On the other hand, in Mato Grosso do Sul, rain is expected to be irregular, with a total of around 40 mm.

Southeast region: the forecast indicates greater total rainfall in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Vale do Paraíba and the north coast of São Paulo and in the south and Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais, with values ​​around 80 mm. More intense rain may occasionally be recorded, accompanied by gusts of wind and thunderstorms.

South region: there will be isolated storms, especially in areas of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. The total rainfall could be around 80 mm.

Forecast from March 26th to April 3rd

North region: the period will still be very rainy. Accumulations greater than 90 mm are expected, mainly in areas of Amazonas, Amapá, Pará and Tocantins.

Northeast Region: the forecast is for rain that, locally, could be heavy and exceed 90 mm in the center-north and along the entire east coast of the region. In other areas, rains are expected to be more irregular and less intense.

Midwest and Southeast Regions: Rain showers are forecast, which could be locally heavy and exceed 80 mm. The rains are expected to be more intense in the states of Mato Grosso and Goiás. In other areas, the forecast is for smaller rainfall accumulations, which could be around 30 mm.

South region: The forecast is for irregular rain, with totals that could be around 50 mm.