Will you face it?  Research chooses the most horrible foods in the world

After the controversial ranking of worst Brazilian foods, the guide Tasteatlas published a list of the worst-rated dishes in the world. What is being served out there that hasn't really pleased people's taste buds? Are we in this too? Check out the 10 worst dishes and make a note to avoid them during your travels!

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10. Smalahove, Norway

Rating: 2.3

O Smalahove is a traditional Norwegian dish and has sheep's head as the main ingredient. The head is first left to soak in water for 24 hours, then in brine (salt, sugar, saltpeter) for another 24 hours and finally boiled. This delicacy is usually prepared and consumed on the Sunday before Christmas. It is most commonly served with rutabaga and potato puree, white pepper, nutmeg, butter and white sauce. The dish harks back to times when food was scarce, but today it is a festive specialty.

9. Peladilhas, Spain

Rating: 2.2

Peladillas are traditional roasted almonds encased in a hard sugar coating. There is also a variety made with pine nuts, called pinones. A crunchy texture and a sweet, nutty flavor and they are traditionally served during Christmas festivities in Spain. – This thing is delicious, it doesn't make any sense to be included on this list, but ok, lol.

8. Calskrove, Sweden

Rating: 2.2

This giant meal is an invention of the restaurant Tre Kronor from the Swedish city Skellefteå. It's a calzone pizza stuffed with burgers (along with bread, filling and sauces) and fries. According to the guide, the Calorie-packed dish was invented for people who couldn't decide between eating pizza or a burger after a night of drinking. – Ah, have patience, right?

7. Jellied Eels, England

Rating: 2.2

Jellied Eels are a traditional street food in London. Originally, it was an easy and cheap way to prepare a good dish with what was available on the River Thames. The delicacies are chopped, boiled with herbs for approximately half an hour and then cooled – this is where the fish produces its own soft, clear gelatin.

The texture is delicate and, although some might say it is unpleasant, its flavor is unique – mild, slightly salty, like pickled herring, but without the unusual “fishy” smell. They are usually accompanied by white pepper and vinegar to further accentuate the flavors.

6. Pani ca Meusa, Italy

Rating: 2.1

A staple street food in Palermo, this sandwich consists of a soft bun stuffed with strips of fried calf's spleen and sometimes lungs. The star ingredient is meat and the basic version, known as schettu, it's seasoned with lemon juice only, while the other option available is the maritatu, which has a grated cheese topping. It is normally sold by street vendors throughout the city.

5. Luther Burger, United States

Rating: 2.1

With more than a thousand calories per serving, the Luther burger is one of the least healthy in the world, but its flavor and unique combination of ingredients make up for it. The standard hamburger bun is replaced with a sliced, sugar-glazed donut. It's basically over-the-top x bacon and usually served without a salad. Many people believe that it was invented in Mulligan's Bar, in Georgia when the cook ran out of standard hamburger buns and used donuts. – This note must be because it is very caloric, it can't be bad, lol.

4. Yerushalmi Kugel, Israel

Rating: 2

Yerushalmi kugel It’s a kind of macaroni cake – help! The thin dough is cooked with caramelized sugar. After being mixed with eggs, olive oil, pepper and salt, it is placed in a pan and baked until firm. As the name suggests, the dish originates from Jerusalem (Yerushalayim), where it is still popular and available in bakeries and street markets.

3. Fesikh, Egypt

Rating: 1.9

Fesikh is a popular Egyptian dish consisting of dried, fermented and salted mullet. The fish is dried in the sun. If prepared incorrectly, the dish can cause poisoning, which is why it is traditionally stored in tightly closed glass jars. It is served during the festival Sham-El-Nessimaccompanied by chopped onion, lemon slices and Egyptian bread.

2. Hákarl, Iceland

Rating: 1.8

Hákarl is Iceland's most famous delicacy, made with the cured meat of Greenland shark and other dormant sharks. The meat is first fermented for up to three months, then hung and allowed to dry for another four to five months. There are two varieties of the dish: glerhákarl reddish and chewy and the skyrhákarl white. It is considered food To the brave, because the high ammonia content often makes people choke.

The cured meat is typically cut into cubes and served on sticks, accompanied by a shot of a local distilled beverage known as brennivin .

1. Kaeng tai pla

Rating: 1.3

This fish curry is typical of southern Thailand. The base of the dish is prepared with tai pla – fermented fish innards – and a spicy curry paste made with pepper, galangal, shrimp paste, turmeric, chives and lemongrass. Other preparations often include dried fish, diced eggplant, bamboo shoots, green beans, or other vegetables. Due to its intensity and strong aromas, kaeng tai pla is best served with steamed rice as a side dish.

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